At the library the other day, I picked up a book from the kids rack near the “hold” rack. One Puppy, Three Tales by Karen Salmarsohn. Very cute. The story and drawings reminded me of a book I loved when I was younger.

Try as I might, I could not remember the name of that book. I remembered the girl with her red frizzy hair and her dog. It was a detective-style story.

Today I searched for it using, “children’s book pre-teen girl red frizzy hair basset hound dog.” Not realizing I was on Bing, I paged and paged. Nada.

On the first page of Google? Voila! Something Queer is Going On. I slapped my hands together in excitement. There was Jill and Fletcher! And, Gwen! Oh, yes, Gwen! I loved that series.

So, of course, I put them on hold at the library. Unfortunately, they don’t have my favorite, the first in the series. So I just got what they had.

Yeah, they’re for readers 4-8. And???